Se supone que PA_Put4_8bitPixels deberia dibujar cuatro pixeles seguidos, pero solo dibuja uno, me pasa igual con PA_Put2_8bitPixels.
Aquí el códig:
//////////////////////////// // PAlib project template // //////////////////////////// // Lines starting with two slashes are ignored by the compiler // Basically you can use them to comment what are you doing // In fact, this kind of lines are called comments :P // Include PAlib so that you can use it #include <PA9.h> #include <all_gfx.h> #include "nds_loader_arm9.h" #include "nds_loader_arm7.h" /*void MyVBLFunction(void){ runNdsLoaderCheck(); }*/ int main(){ int pat; // Initialize PAlib PA_Init(); PA_Init8bitBg(0,3); PA_LoadPal(PAL_BG0,PALETAB_Pal); PA_Load8bitBgPal(0,(void*)PALETAB_Pal); // Put your initialization code here //PA_LoadSpritePal(0,0,(void*)PALETA1_Pal); //PA_LoadSpritePal(1,0,(void*)PALETAB_Pal); PA_LoadDefaultText(1, 0); //PA_CreateSprite(0,0,(void*)gnome_applications_Sprite,OBJ_SIZE_32X32,1,0,1,34); //PA_CreateSprite(0,1,(void*)bookmark_Sprite,OBJ_SIZE_32X32,1,0,1,80); //PA_CreateSprite(0,2,(void*)configure_Sprite,OBJ_SIZE_32X32,1,0,1,126); //PA_LoadBackground(1,3,&wallpaper_arriba); //PA_LoadBackground(1,2,&barra_arriba); //PA_LoadBackground(0,1,&wallpaper); //PA_LoadBackground(0,2,&bandeja); PA_Put4_8bitPixels(0, 10, 10, 1); // Infinite loop to keep the program running while(true){ // Put your game logic here // Wait until the next frame. // The DS runs at 60 frames per second. pat=PA_Transfer->battery; PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,1," Battery Status Reports:"); PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,2,"Good, Not Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==0) { Battery is good } PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,3,"Good, And Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==1) { Battery is good, charging } PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,4,"Bad, Not Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==2) { Battery is bad } PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,5,"Bad, And Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==3) { Battery is bad, charging } PA_OutputText(1, 12, 0, "%02d:%02d %02d seconds", PA_RTC.Hour, PA_RTC.Minutes, PA_RTC.Seconds); PA_OutputSimpleText(1,21,pat+2,"X"); PA_WaitForVBL(); //////////////////////////// // PAlib project template // //////////////////////////// // Lines starting with two slashes are ignored by the compiler // Basically you can use them to comment what are you doing // In fact, this kind of lines are called comments :P // Include PAlib so that you can use it #include <PA9.h> #include <all_gfx.h> #include "nds_loader_arm9.h" #include "nds_loader_arm7.h" /*void MyVBLFunction(void){ runNdsLoaderCheck(); }*/ int main(){ int pat; // Initialize PAlib PA_Init(); PA_Init8bitBg(0,3); PA_LoadPal(PAL_BG0,PALETAB_Pal); PA_Load8bitBgPal(0,(void*)PALETAB_Pal); // Put your initialization code here //PA_LoadSpritePal(0,0,(void*)PALETA1_Pal); //PA_LoadSpritePal(1,0,(void*)PALETAB_Pal); PA_LoadDefaultText(1, 0); //PA_CreateSprite(0,0,(void*)gnome_applications_Sprite,OBJ_SIZE_32X32,1,0,1,34); //PA_CreateSprite(0,1,(void*)bookmark_Sprite,OBJ_SIZE_32X32,1,0,1,80); //PA_CreateSprite(0,2,(void*)configure_Sprite,OBJ_SIZE_32X32,1,0,1,126); //PA_LoadBackground(1,3,&wallpaper_arriba); //PA_LoadBackground(1,2,&barra_arriba); //PA_LoadBackground(0,1,&wallpaper); //PA_LoadBackground(0,2,&bandeja); PA_Put4_8bitPixels(0, 10, 10, 1); // Infinite loop to keep the program running while(true){ // Put your game logic here // Wait until the next frame. // The DS runs at 60 frames per second. pat=PA_Transfer->battery; PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,1," Battery Status Reports:"); PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,2,"Good, Not Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==0) { Battery is good } PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,3,"Good, And Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==1) { Battery is good, charging } PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,4,"Bad, Not Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==2) { Battery is bad } PA_OutputSimpleText(1,1,5,"Bad, And Charging [ ]"); //if(bat==3) { Battery is bad, charging } PA_OutputText(1, 12, 0, "%02d:%02d %02d seconds", PA_RTC.Hour, PA_RTC.Minutes, PA_RTC.Seconds); PA_OutputSimpleText(1,21,pat+2,"X"); PA_WaitForVBL(); } } } }
No se que puede pasar, por cierto uso una dsi m3i zero i desmume(que en cuestión de dibujo siempre me ha ido bien).
Mira si no te dibuja todo en el mismo sitio :D he visto ke vas a hacer un gnome ;)
¿No hay que ponerla dentro
¿No hay que ponerla dentro del while?
Ya da giual pero gracias
La verdad Palib me ha dado tantos disgustos que la he dejado y ese homebrew lo intenté con la NFlib pero no conseguí usar el cargador de aplicaciones bien....